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Recipes with Honey

Mains Pepper Salt Oregano dried ...

Onion and garlic chopped. All the ingredients for the marinade in a saucepan and boil at low heat and stirring occasionally for 15 minutes then cool it. Oven preheated to 200 degrees c. alm. oven. The ribs placed on ovnristen and brushed with marinade. S

Salads Pepper Salt Thyme and Basil (fresh is best) ...

Cut the feta into the tærn. Chop the 2 salads and put it in water for 1 quarter. chop the cucumber and the lies. soltøret tomatoes. cut the cherry tomatoes in half over. Dressing: mix all tingne together and shake it at the end. Tips: Good for fish and

Pickling A little lemon juice Honey Sesame seeds ...

Peel græskarret in small parts. Peel the apples and cut them into smaller pieces. Run pumpkin-and Apple strips through the mincer. Findel oranges and heat the whole in a small saucepan. Toast sesame seeds lightly in a pan and add the honey. When the honey is l

Desserts (cold) Almonds Honey Apples ...

Peel the apples, share them in half. Boil them until tender in water, sweetened with honey. Put Apple halves with the curved side up on a plate. Tube rose hips bog with a little Apple water and broad Marsh over the apples. Chop the almonds and sprinkle them ov

Desserts (cold) Almonds Honey Hybenmos ...

Peel the pears, share them in half and remove the core houses out. Boil them until tender in water sweetened with honey. Put PEAR halves with the curved side up on a serving plate. Tube rose hips bog with a little bulb water and broad Marsh over the pears. Smu

Desserts (cold) Almonds Honey Hybenmos ...

Give the raspberry pure a short rehash of water sweetened with honey. Put raspberry pure on a platter. Tube rose hips bog with a little raspberry water and broad marsh of raspberry pure. Smut tonsils and cut them into strips. Sprinkle them over the dessert.

Desserts (cold) Blackberries Vanilla pod Sugar ...

Came the cleaned, flushed rose hips in a saucepan with water, lemon juice, honey, sugar and the split vanilla pod. Simmer about 20 minutes, until the fruit is quite tender. Roof vanillestangen up and blend the rest to a thick puree. Pour it back into the Pa

Cakes in form Lemon juice Vanilla pod Honey ...

Use preferably a small mixer or electric beater with dough hooks on. Soak yeast in the water and add the salt and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, in flour and stir the batter smooth came. The butter cut into cubes, it must not be too cold. Stir the butter i