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Recipes with Green bell pepper

Mains Oil Salt Soy sauce ...

3 dl rice is boiled according to the instructions on the package and cooled. The peppers are cut into the tern (about 1x1 cm). The meat is cooked in a wok or pot in oil with a little soya. Add green beans, crushed garlic and peppers. Let it roast unt

Mains Fat for frying Pepper Roasted, boiled or baked potatoes ...

Eat the chopped meat with egg white, broth, salt and pepper. Form it into a big steak. Let the fat be golden on a pan. Brown the steak with good heat. Dip the heat and let it fully finish before turning (on a griddle) and finish it on the other side. Remove fr

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cucumbers and peppers are cut into cubes, size according to taste, the needles are chopped roughly. The yogurt is poured into a coffee filter and allowed to dry off. Garlic pressed and stir together with parsley, salt, pepper and yoghurt mixed with the othe

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Cut the peeled earthquakes into thin slices and boil them in leachate water for 10 minutes. Pour the earthquakes into a sieve for draining. Then brown the chopped meat into grease until it crumbles and changes color. Mix the sliced ​​peppers and tomatoes an

Mains Pepper Salt Broccoli ...

The rice is boiled as directed on the package. Sliced ​​cloves and peppers are cut into small terns and the pears are cut into rings. The broccoli is cut into small bouquets. The oil is heated on a large sauté pan or in a wok, after which the onions, peppers a

Soups Fresh chili or a little St. chili Fresh hk. coriander or freshly hk. parsley Cut chives (optional) ...

Onions and garlic chopped in the tern and swirled in a little oil, the meat was brought in and switched. Broth and bulgur, coriander and chili are added and boil for approx. 15.min. Yogurt and maizena are stirred together and whipped into the soup. Season w

Mains Green bell pepper Handful of Basil Handful of parsley ...

Kalkunsteg: Shake the pine nuts. Take Garlic, Sun dried tomatoes, Parsley, Basil and Pinjekerner along with approx. 1/2 dl oil and blend it. The mass would like to remind you of a pesto consistency. Cut the turkey breast through the middle, so there is an u

Mains Pepper Green bell pepper Yellow bell pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Give them a small boil for approx. 10 min. Pick them up and drop them off. Mix the chopped beef with chopped honey. Onion and crushed garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Spread the dad into the bottom of a pan