Recipes with Grated cheese
Cut the bread into slices of about 1 ½ cm and brush them with oil. Come on them in the oven at 200 degrees about 5-10 my C. alm. oven.
Chop tomatoes and basilium finely and mix it with pressed garlic. Let the mixture stand approximately 5-10 minutes and the
Kødsovsen: Onions and garlic in a Pan fry in oil until something clear (preferably not brown.
The meat is added in krydden to it is browned.
The grated carrots, grated celeriac, the peeled tomatoes and tomatpuren added.
Add the spices and season, to h
Peel the carrots and slice thin strips with kartoffelskrælleren
Cut the spring onion into thin slices
Finely chop the chili very fine
Arrow if necessary. should the prawns
Saute the carrots, scallions and chili pepper in a little oil in a thick-bottomed
The eggs are beaten with milk. Flour and salt in little by little. It should pull in 30 min.
broccoli is picked into small florets and steamed.
Milk set to boil. Broccoli water and flour is used for jævning. The sauce tasted with salt, pepp
Margarine is melted and milk and yeast is added. then add the other ingredients. The dough raises in 30 min.
It is split into two which rolled out in round cut into triangles.
Mushroom and ham finsnittes. The eggs chopped and mixed with t
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
- Breakfast & brunch 427
- Porridge & gruel 144
- Bread, buns & biscuits 1758
- Cold cuts 395
- Lunch 1051
- Lunch (to go) 146
- Sandwiches 50
- Mains 11918
- Salads 1562
- Dressing 302
- Sauces 617
- Sides 1951
- Soups 1352
- Drinks (cold) 1888
- Drinks (warm) 227
- Desserts (cold) 2416
- Desserts (warm) 707
- Desserts (patisserie) 394
- Cookies 917
- Cakes 1445
- Cakes in form 2822
- Cake add-ons 139
- Snacks 73
- Midnight snacks 40
- Base recipes 234
- Buffets 95
- Candy 522
- Fruits 19
- Lamb 14
- Pickling 733
- Receptions 34
- Seasonal 3
- Sushi 6
- Various 328