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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Eggs Condensed milk Margarine ...

Dissolve sugar and salt in the water, add the milk, eggs and flour and mix well. Add margarine Knead the dough until it is smooth and no longer sticking, share the dough for approx. 70 grams large pieces form dough into balls as you brushes with margarin

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Beef Tenderloin and Beef Tenderloin: cut through fasansoufflée and tapped out to approx. 1 cm thickness. Pheasant breasts blended with eggs and cream, season with salt and pepper. Blanched spinach leaves, onto the water and laid out on beef tenderloin. Soufflé

Soups Concassé of tomatoes 2 Pastadej Celeriac ...

It's all mixed and kneaded well together, to the texture is supple-made to rest. Shank brunes, 1 leek, 1 carrot, 1 celeriac, 1 diced cooked in broth parsnips in the grove, to the whole thing is tender. The broth sifted, and the flesh peeled from the shank.

Mains A ca. 2 liter form Neutral oil Pepper ...

*) One rygfilet, one Tenderloin and all legs and tendons are saved to the game-soup/vildtfricassé. Alternatively, the flesh will be listed into the tureen or used for an entirely different right. Boil three walnuts up in cold water. Pour the water off. Cut

Mains Ben and hull from the pheasant Breast fillets, minced meat and liver from 1 large pheasant A pair of green peppercorns (Madagascar) ...

Start with geleen. Came the hull from the pheasant in a saucepan samman with ben from boiling battle it out, add the carrot, celery and onion, and Brown in the oil came in around 1/2 time by even heat, stir jævligt into the Pan so that all will be uniformly br

Mains Frying oil Eggs Finely chopped Basil ...

Deep fried rice: Rice, cornstarch and egg is stirred together. Risblandingen placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. On risblandingen added another piece of wax paper, and the mixture rolled out to a square of about 15 x 20 cm. Top layer of wax paper

Desserts (warm) Eggs Potato flour Sugar ...

Stir egg yolk with sugar. Add the potato flour. Mix it with rice porridge. Beat the egg white stiff and fold it gently in. Let the butter Brown quite easily on the Pan, and place the dough on to a tablespoon. -Turn gently. Serve with Strawberry

Cookies Apricot jam Eggs Wheat flour ...

Butter is stirred with marcipanen. Add the sugar and flour and finally eggs a little at a time. When the dough is uniform in consistency, pour it into a greased form with edge or a small baking pan. Put in a hot oven 180 degrees 25-30 minutes when the cake has