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Recipes with Eggplant

Soups Lemon Pepper Parsley ...

All vegetables are cleaned and carrot, parsley root, cabbage and celery cut into thin slices. Squash'en, Aubergine and the peeled potatoes cut into cubes, pebrene into strips and tomatoes into slices. All vegetables, except potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, s

Lunch Lemon juice Garlic Olive oil ...

The humus to taste with lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Cut the Aubergine into slices, about half a centimeter thick, and fry them on a fluted pan. Butter cheese on the bread, put sliced tomatoes on top and pour a little olive oil over T

Mains Green Salad Salad onions Black and/or green olives ...

Cut the tenderloin into 8 pieces, after it is trimmed. Bank them easily with hand back and season them on both sides with salt and pepper. Cut the Aubergine into thin slices and sprinkle them with salt on both sides. Let them soak for 15 minutes, then rinse

Mains Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

De-fat of sinew and fat. FRY on pan in 2 tbsp. margarine in approximately 20-25 minutes. Let rest for 10 minutes before the tenderloin cut into thin slices. The vegetables are cleaned. Eggplant and squash halved and cut across. Spring onions cut into slices

Sides Lemon Mug parsley Pepper ...

Aubergine cut into slices on a ½ cm. Grill the slices until they are dark brown. Serve them on a platter and drizzle with good olive oil and lemon. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley mug.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

Advantage of the frozen sejfilleter in the bottom of a baking dish. Chop the onion and garlic finely. Aubergine cut into ca. 1 cm-thick slices and distributed to the fish. Sauté onion and garlic in a little oil in a pan. Add diced tomatoes, pesto, balsam

Mains Spice blend Lasagne sheets Mornay sauce ...

Sauté the meat in a little oil. Add the chopped onion, garlic and spices. Chop the vegetables coarsely and add them along with the peeled tomatoes. Simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Season to taste and season if necessary. more. Arrange in a greased dish, assem

Mains Nutmeg. whole Green bell pepper Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Heat oven up to 200 deg c. alm. oven. Cut the Eggplant and potatoes into thin slices. Com potato slices in a saucepan of boiling water, add salt. Put eggplant in a colander or sieve over the pot with potatoes. Put lid on and cook potatoes in 8 minutes. Put