Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cream 13%

Lunch Pepper Salt Cream 13% ...

Pipe rygeosten lind with cream and add fintsnittet scallions and radishes. Season with salt and pepper and favor the stuffing in the herring fillets. Place them in a greased ovenproof dish and set it in the oven at 200 g. of ca. 20 min. serve with brown bread.

Mains Pepper Salt White pepper ...

Savoykålbladene (or Chinese cabbage leaves) give a rehash in lightly salted water, refrigerate them and put them on top of the salmon slices. Low fiskefileten fiskefarsen by cutting into smaller pieces, and cut the onion into quarters. Blend fish and onion bri

Mains Basil pesto Fresh pasta Ginger root ...

Fiskefiletterne brushed with pesto and rucola salad and chili pieces of this. A little ginger rives. The fish rules together (like as "rose"). The fish steamed in white wine by then 15 min 200 c. The sauce: Shredded tomato and carrots svites easy in butter.

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Share the cabbage in 1/8 parts from top to root and remove as much of the stalk, then the cabbage just stuck together. Boil the cabbage almost tender in salted water. Drain and add the cream, let it simmer for the cream has texture as a letjævnet sauce. Season

Mains Horseradish Salt Quark. 5 + ...

Porrene cut into slices, and reversed in butter in a frying pan, put to one side and cooled by while the bottom is made. Bottom: Flour, margarine and Quark is stirred together. Put in refrigerator min. ½ hour. The dough in a pie dish, and pricked at the bot

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Water brislerne out in a large bowl of faintly running water 10-15 minutes. Rub brislerne free from blood residue. Com brislerne in a pot and cover them with cold water with salt and lemon juice. Cook on a low heat, covered, brislerne 10-15 minutes. Roof

Mains Spices (chili-salt-pepper-rose marin-according to taste) A little oil to the onions Lots of garlic (like new) ...

Cuvetten: prepare the roast, it is an advantage if it is not too bumpy, it makes it a little harder to roast it. RIDs the little crisscross, not too deep. butter well with salt and pepper and garlic that has been crushed. Set the roast on a rack with a roas

Mains Eggs Cream 13% Salt ...

The boiled, peeled potatoes rives fine on a Slaw iron or pressed through a sieve. The finely ground potatoes touched with eggs, cream, flour and salt to a steady Moss. With a spoon a portion of dough in the raclette-sizzling. They made flat with spoon an