Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Soups Pepper Salt Vegetable stock ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan, sauté the onions until clear and take them up. Squashen in the Pan and gently fry the slices came, until they are soft. Add 2 ½ dl. broth and purer then mixture into Blender along with the onions. Getting it all back in the Pa

Sauces Finely chopped parsley Lemon juice from here Butter or margarine ...

Warm the butter in a saucepan. Stir in the flour. Add the broth and stir until it boils. Place it over hot, not boiling water. Beat the egg yolks with lemon juice in a small bowl. Whisk slowly a few spoonfuls of the hot mixture in this and add rasten. Tu

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Slice the squash and peeled potatoes into 1 cm cubes. Saute the onion and squash in the fat in a pan. Stir the flour in and babies with the broth. The potatoes came in and let it spin in a neighborhood. Mix the sausages in and warm through. Beat the egg yolk a

Sides Salt Medium-sized chopped onion Mustard ...

Sauté the onion in the butter. Pipe it with flour and bake up with milk little by little, to the sauce is razed. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer until cheese is melted. Cool and pour into freezer containers and deep-frozen. The vegetable mixture is

Base recipes Pepper Salt Butter or margarine ...

FRY all the ingredients in the butter until they are soft. The season, cooled and deep-frozen in appropriate portions.

Appetizers Lemon juice thereof Salt Melted butter ...

Mix the ingredients for the pancakes together and bake 4 thin pancakes. Opbagt sauce mixed with lemon juice and shrimp and dill. Grease a baking dish with butter and put a thin pancake of put a tbsp. Fill in the pancake together and close the ends roll,

Cakes in form Eggs Orange grated to thereof Cinnamon ...

Crumble flour, fat and sugar together (it's pretty dry). Place the well 1/3 of the mixture into a greased quiche or springform. Stir in the rest of the "crumble dough" with sour cream and eggs. Add the cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda and grated orange peel. Pour

Cakes Milk Eggs Eggs + 10 g chopped almonds for garnish ...

Dissolve the yeast in the cold milk and the other ingredients kneaded in a uniform dough that is divided into two equal parts and shaped into balls, which rests a few minutes. Each ball then rolled out to a piece of 20 cm wide and 35 cm's length. Along the