Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Butter or oil for frying Parsley Pork Tenderloin ...

Cut the trimmed tenderloin into thick slices and squeeze them out easily by hand. Fry them in brown butter and oil 4-5 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Take them up and keep them warm. Mash the tuna with a bit of cream and findel in the ble

Mains Parsley, fresh Thyme, fresh Cognac ...

Cut the meat into 3 cm cubes and cut the bacon into small pieces. Leeks and carrots cut into slices and onions into quarters. Turn the meat in the flour salt and pepper to taste. Grate the chunks of bacon in butter in a pan and gently fry the meat, then a

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Boil the carrots and turnips in broth approx. 10 min. Slice meat into cubes and boil with the pot, as well as with the cabbage for about 10 min. more. Season with thyme, salt and pepper and chopped parsley.

Mains Suit The juice from an orange and must Salt ...

Rub the meat with curry and Brown it well in a frying pan in butter or margarine. Wash and halve the appelsinen. Squeeze the juice out and came together with shell in pan and pour the broth by. Sprinkle salt on with caution-depending on how salt broth is. Put

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/margarine to Browning ...

Brown ostrich meat in a pan with butter. Stir well under Brown in the flesh no, so it will be light and crumbly. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook the meat for a few minutes with væden. Cut the peeled onion into cubes, udkern the peeled apples and cut t

Soups Pepper Salt Broth ...

Green cabbage chopped fine, onions cut into cubes. the vegetables in a Pan fry in margarine. The broth is added. The potatoes coarsely grated and added with Marjoram and tomato puree. The soup småkoger under lid approx. 3/4 hour. Season with salt and pepper.

Mains Salt Butter for frying Thyme ...

Cut the lower part of the kålstokken and boil it in salted water just a few minutes. Boil kålhovedet in the water and cut the leaves away from the stick, as they become soft and put them in a colander to drain. Boil the rice grynene in salted water for 5 mi

Mains Salt Butter for frying Thyme ...

Cut the lower part of the kålstokken and boil it in salted water just a few minutes. Boil kålhovedet in the water and cut the leaves away from the stick, as they become soft and put them in a colander to drain. Boil the rice grynene in salted water for 5 mi