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Recipes with Broccoli

Soups Pepper Grated Parmesan cheese Salt ...

Rinse broccolien carefully. Share it in small bouquets and boxes the tough stems. Chop the garlic, parsley and bacon. Pour olive oil in a pan, add the broccoli, garlic, parsley and bacon, and fry it, stirring for 1 to 2 minutes. Pour the tomato puree and 5

Mains Bearnaise Broccoli Oil ...

Oksemedaillonerne (buy them possibly as tournedos omvundet with blubber) seasoned with salt and pepper and FRY in butter in the pan until they have the color, as it now seems, steaks must have (red, medium, well done). Peel the potatoes and grate them on th

Mains Broccoli Sour cream flavored with horseradish, sugar and lemon Fresh bælgede peas ...

Sprinkle the Dove with the salt and sugar and style it in the fridge overnight. Rinse and dry the Dove and got it in boiling water with slices of carrot, onion, bay leaf and thyme. Boil 35 minutes and dove in let it stand in boiling bed sheet 15 minutes.

Appetizers Eggs Bacon cubes Strong mustard ...

FRY bacon in a saucepan. Add the sliced mushrooms and chopped onions. Simmer a few minutes. Pour væden from. Add the ham, mustard and finally cheese. Turn off forvarmen and let the mixture stand until cheese is melted. Then add small bouquets brccoli – a

Mains Groftkværnet white pepper Grated muscatnød Salt ...

'S broccolien and cut the Woody ends of. Came the cabbage in boiling salted water and cook the 2-3 min. Pour broccolien e a sieve and rinse the cold. Let it drain away and part it into small bouquets. Cut the bread into bite-sized cubes. Grate the cheese coars

Soups Cream 13% Water Salt ...

Onions, mushrooms, then cut into slices and finthakkes broccolien is divided into small bouquets. Onions and mushrooms Sauté briefly in oil margarine. Smear with lemon juice and water. Broccoli and salt added. Boil for five minutes and then smooth no added wit

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The oil is heated in the Pan and Brown the meat in it. Add 1 sliced Leek. Tomato concentrate and water added with spices. Let the sauce Cook for 5 minutes. Eggs and yogurt whipped together and season with spices. Plates and ham sauce be layered in a baki

Sides Sour cream 18% Finely chopped tomato Finely chopped sundried tomatoes ...

Cook the broccoli florets until tender in salted water. Purer them in the blender along with the other ingredients. Season with salt and pepper