Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Boiling water

Cakes in form Stir well together Rod vanilla or 1 tsp. vanilla sugar Cocoa ...

All the ingredients stir well together into a uniform mass. The fat must be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise. The dough is placed in a well oiled rim form 1 ½ l. Bake on the oven bottom Groove at 200 degrees C for about 25 minutes. The oven must ha

Cakes in form 25 g chopped almonds Stir together to appropriate consistency Juice of ½ lemon ...

Fat and the melted chocolate is stirred together. Then add icing and the 4 egg yolks one at a time. The egg whites whipped into rigid foam, which is mixed in the batter along with wheat flour. They can also blend 25 g ground almonds and the juice of ½ lemon in

Cakes Glaze Cardamom Boiling water ...

Stir the yeast into the milk. The other ingredients are added. The dough is kneaded well through. Rolled out to an elongated piece, approximately 75 cm long and 15 cm. wide. On along the dejstykket placed on the middle of a strip prune jam. The dough is folded

Cakes in form Boiling water Milk Vaniliesukker ...

Margarine stir soft along with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time. Cocoa is stirred in. vaniliesukker mix together flour, baking powder and stir, put in along with water and milk. Bake in a small baking pan at 175 degrees c. alm. oven for about 45 minutes (Chec

Cakes in form Cold milk or cream Boiling water Apricot or other jam ...

All the ingredients kneaded well together into a uniform dough resting 10 minutes on a cold place. And then deploy them to a square piece on 30 x 40 cm. dejstykke rolled rolled up on The cake roll, so it will be easy to place on the greased plate. The do

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes and garnish Boiling water Cane sugar or sugar ...

Wash the oranges and lemons. Cut them in half, and squeeze the juice out. Pour boiling water over the shells. Stir in the sugar, and stir until it is dissolved. Pour the now saftem of Orange and lemon in the juice be cold, and let style it in a refrigerator.

Cakes The dough Desiccated coconut Vaniliesukker ...

Dough: Mix flour, sugar, egg-, and melted butter in a bowl, whisk in 3 min and add the baking powder -Behind in the square for at 190 degrees for about 15-20 my. -When the cake is cold, cut it into square pieces ca. 8 x 8 cm. Glaze:-Mix butter, cocoa and

Mains Salt Curry Paprika ...

Meat and sauté the finely chopped onion in margarine picked 5 min. Herbs cleaned, rives and sauté with along with white cabbage. Boiling water, broth cubes and spices is stirred together and poured over, so meat and herbs are covered. Spiralerne sprinkled in s