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Recipes with Basil

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Butter ...

Rinse the spring bulbs. Remove rowing soda and wipe green parts, cut anything else in fine strips. Let the butter melt in the large pan and sauté the finely cut spring onion. Bring 5 l of water in a boil with 2 tablespoons of salt. Pour the spaghetti and bo

Mains Freshly ground pepper Pepper Salt ...

Begin to put the 16 wooden spoons into a bowl of water. Then they do not burn later when they come to the grill. Mix the chopped meat with a little salt in a bowl and stir to a solid lump. Add chopped garlic, chopped parsley, cumin and freshly ground pepper

Mains Basil Lemon Pepper ...

The onions are chopped and browned easily, the sliced ​​mushrooms are added and swirled until the liquid is evaporated. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add 4-5 tablespoons chopped herbs and season with salt and pepper. 4 pieces of foil are lubricated and 4 silag

Mains Crushed garlic Pepper Salt ...

The French bread is soaked in the milk for 10 minutes. The rest of 1: stir together and form into steaks, which are browning on the forehead for 2-3 minutes. On each side and put in a refractory dish. The pan is boiled with 2: and poured over, finally sprinkle

Mains Basil Pepper Salt ...

Take the eggplant and season later, cook them for 1 minute in boiling water with a little salt in. Chop the garlic and parsley and mix it in the mince meat. Stir it together with egg yolks, add small pieces of feta cheese. The fathers are distributed on

Mains 1/2-1 Lime Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Cut the filode into four equal square pieces. Stir each square with oil and put them on top of each other on a cocotte with the bottom of the weather and put them together into a small crisp basket for 8-10 minutes. Sprinkle th

Sides Bay leaf Chopped shallots Lovage ...

The herbs pull in the oil at least 1 week. They may stay in the oil while using it.

Soups Bread A little tabasco Pepper ...

Cut squash into thin slices and chop peeled. Step in oil 2 min. And add the other ingredients and let it boil for 15 minutes. Good luck and serve fried farms.