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Drinks (cold) recipes

Drinks (cold) Cinnamon Sugar Vodka ...

Halve the yolks, remove kernels and mix with vodka (gin can also be used), sugar and cinnamon. The mixture is poured on bottle and turned over on a daily basis until all the sugar is dissolved (about 4 days). Let it stand dark and cool 3 months. Shake gently a

Drinks (cold) Orange in pieces Sugar Vodka ...

Use bright solid Cranberry. They can be stored in refrigerator 4-8 weeks (can also be frozen), but they should NOT be washed before use, as moisture can quickly make the berries bad. Clean and chop the cranberries. Mix all ingredients and let stand in 4-5 week

Drinks (cold) Lemon peel from here Clover Sugar (see recipe)-after taste ...

Clean the berries and crush them lightly. Add the vodka, lemon peel, and clover. Pour on a dark bottle and allow to stand in 3-4 months. Strain through a cloth, (make sure you get as much juice out as possible). Add sugar to taste and keep the 4 weeks. Burn th

Drinks (cold) Leaves of porse shrub Brøndum snaps ...

The leaves of sweet Gale Bush picked in May-June, when they are bright green. Later in the summer will be the taste more powerful, but can still be used. Fill a jam jars with 1/3 leaves (fresh or dried) 2/3 schnapps (B) poured over. Let it soak in 14 days, aft

Drinks (cold) Flowers/buds from the wort Brøndum snaps ...

Flowers/buds from the wort is picked in July-august. Fill a jam jars with 1/3 flowers, and buds. Fill up with 2/3 Brøndum snaps. Let it soak for 10 days, after which it is filtered. Diluted 1:5 Of the yellow flowers are a fantastic nice pinkish dram.

Drinks (cold) Peel from a lemon Sugar Papaya ...

Cut the papayaen in half, remove peels and cores. Cut into pieces and add to the vodka with lemon peel. Leave it for a week. Filter with pressure. Add if necessary. sugar to taste and leave it for another 3 weeks.

Drinks (cold) Sugar Peppermint extract Vodka ...

Mix all ingredientser and tubes. Leave it for 2 weeks. Add 2-3 teaspoon extract to taste and add if necessary. sugar to get a sweeter and thicker brandy.

Drinks (cold) Rod vanilla Sugar Pistachio nuts ...

Chop the pistachio nuts (releases the flavor to burn the wine) and mix with vodka and vanilla pod. Let it stand for 2 weeks, during which the shaken lightly with spaces. Filter until the fluid is clear. Add sugar, if desired, and leave it for another 3 weeks.