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White wine granité with Basil

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for White wine granité with Basil

2.5dlWhite wine

Instructions for White wine granité with Basil

To prepare the White wine granité with Basil recipe, please follow these instructions:

Boil wine, water and sugar up. Pour mixture into a shallow dish, basilikummen came in and let it cool to room temperature. Roof basilikummen up and style your plate in the freezer and let it freeze into a solid block. Scrape the ice with a gafel, and server the crystals in a glass.

Since granitéen is not super sweet, is the perfect to clean the palate with between the two dishes.

Granitéen can be easily variers, I have successfully tried red wine and Rosemary, red wine and Bay, white wine and lemon/lime. I use a little less sugar when I use red wine.