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Tenderloin with stuffing

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Tenderloin with stuffing

1bundleMinced parsley
1Pork Tenderloin

Instructions for Tenderloin with stuffing

To prepare the Tenderloin with stuffing recipe, please follow these instructions:

Taking a ladle with a round shaft, like thick, and lists through the loin on the long part so that it will be hollow, we must support the shaft all the way through so it doesn't poke hole in the Tenderloin in the pages.

You nicked onions parsley mushroom and stir it together with butter, remember there may not be as much in the tenderloin, so it is small portions of each thing we talk about.

mass stopped into the tenderloin until it is filled from one end to the other, use again the shaft to reach the Middle, or gently push on the tenderloin so the filling slips into place.

Close both ends with a kødnål or toothpick and fry it in the Pan by good heat and it is nicely dark. It will not dry out. the moist stuffing so that it can withstand the strong heat. Remember spices at will. The accessory can be what you really want to, but I do like green salad ala waldorf iceberg small cut, red apples, diced celery, small cut, half udkernede grapes, like blue, and hand-crushed Walnut kernels.

For it do I make dressing of whipping cream with well with sugar and lots of lemon juice, when it has been going it becomes thick and gets a nice taste, and is ideally suited for the salad. In addition, flute or baked potato whatever you can imagine