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Sponge cake with chocolate pieces

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 8

Ingredients for Sponge cake with chocolate pieces

0.5dlWhole milk
100gDark chocolate 44%
2tspBaking soda
250gWheat flour

Instructions for Sponge cake with chocolate pieces

To prepare the Sponge cake with chocolate pieces recipe, please follow these instructions:

Butter a cake form on 1 ½ l and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Style oven at 170 degrees c. alm. oven.

Stir in butter and sugar fluffy and add 1 egg at a time. Mix in the flour and add the baking powder alternately with milk. Add the coarsely chopped chocolate.

Pour the dough into the mold and bake 1 hour.