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Pizza with beef and pepperoni

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 2 portion(s)

Ingredients for Pizza with beef and pepperoni

Grated cheese
1Small can of corn
7.5dlWheat flour
70gOil margarine

Instructions for Pizza with beef and pepperoni

To prepare the Pizza with beef and pepperoni recipe, please follow these instructions:

Knead the dough thoroughly and let the draw half an hour during a tea towel. While the dough out, turn on the oven at 225 degrees, Brown the beef and cook it together with corn and salted + a half cups milk. Roll the dough out to a square/circle and place on a baking sheet (get dough to fill the whole plate). Advantage beef all over the place on dough and advantage as pepperroni also out all over the dough. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices as possible and then put them on (which don't get as many slices on ... it tastes just good with tomatoes). Then sprinkle grated cheese on + salt and oregano-spar on the salt, but not oreganoen:) (However, neither too much oregano came on as it can spoil the whole pizza, I think). Put the pizza in the oven and let it get 15 min. When it has got 15 min, then set the oven on warm air and give the pizza 4 min.

Remember to drain the kødfyldet before it is accepted on the pizza. Otherwise, the baking time will come to take longer. Just make sure that kødfyldet is not too juicy. The pizza is good for dinner along with a bowl of salad.