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Mushroom in kålpakker

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6

Ingredients for Mushroom in kålpakker

0.5tspCumin seeds
1500gSavoy cabbage
2dlWhite wine
6tbspCrème fraiche 38%

Instructions for Mushroom in kålpakker

To prepare the Mushroom in kålpakker recipe, please follow these instructions:

Clean the Mushrooms and chop them roughly. Chop onions and fry them in the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the mushrooms and tomato cubes of seedless. Boil the mixture in to there is no more liquid. Add the sour cream and season with cumin, salt and pepper.

Bring the water to a boil in a large pot, add a little salt. Then remove the stalk of cabbage and loosen the leaves, so they will be as whole as possible. Remove the thick end of the leaves stem.

Cook the leaves in 4 minutes and take them up with a slotted spoon. Drip kålbladene of in a clean Tea towel and sprinkle salt on the inside of the leaves.

Collect approximately 3 leaves to each kålpakke and stowage on the center of the mushroom-advantage leaves, Close the leaves together into small packets, as possibly ombindes with cotton string.

Put packages in a large saucepan or Saute pan in one layer, add the white wine and let those vapors at low heat for 40 minutes. Add any water if the Pan is about to boil dry.