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Ice on the meringue

Desserts (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Ice on the meringue

1/2dlIcing sugar
100gWalnut kernels
3Egg yolks
3Egg whites
4dlWhipped cream
50gDark melting chocolate

Instructions for Ice on the meringue

To prepare the Ice on the meringue recipe, please follow these instructions:

Chop the nuts coarsely and grate them Golden on a dry pan. Beat the egg whites very stiff. Beat the sugar in to mass will be tough. Turn the nuts in. Butter meringue mass out on a piece of wax paper that is greased with some butter and sprinkled with a little flour. Use a spring forms the border as a template. Style bottom at the Middle Groove in a 150-degree warm oven and bake about 50 min. Cool the bottom of. Beat the egg yolks and sugar white and fluffy. Whip the cream to lightly foam and turn it into æggesnapsen. Chop the two kinds of chocolates is finely and mix in. Put meringue on a serving dish with spring forms the bottom edge around. Advantage ismassen on top and smooth the surface. Low if necessary. a pattern with a fork. Style form covered in the freezer about 5 hours.

Serving: remove the form and term cocoa over the cake before serving. Garnish with seasonal berries.