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Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Grøntsagstimbale

1dlCream 13%
2Egg yolks
4Small foil molds
500gParsley root or parsnip carrot celery

Instructions for Grøntsagstimbale

To prepare the Grøntsagstimbale recipe, please follow these instructions:

Peel parsley roots/vegetables and cut them into smaller pieces. Boil them in salted water until they are tender and let them afdryppe in a sieve. Melt the butter and saute the cooked parsley roots/vegetables without the Tan. Season with salt and pepper and blend them to a puree. Cool the puree. Beat the egg yolks with the cream and stir it into the chilled puree. Butter foil ramekins with oil and puree advantage herein. Behind the puree in a waterbath at 175 degrees for about 25 mins., to the mass are stiffened. By serving, invert the timbalen out on the plate.

Timbalerne is made with parsley root, but can easily be cooked with other vegetables. A beautiful and decorative accessories to gæstemad.