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Cucumber soup with shrimp in

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Cucumber soup with shrimp in

Freshly ground white pepper
a littleSalt
a littleMustard powder
a littleSugar
1tspWheat flour
1Salad cucumber
200gCooked shrimp m. must
4dlWarm broth

Instructions for Cucumber soup with shrimp in

To prepare the Cucumber soup with shrimp in recipe, please follow these instructions:

Onion and garlic peeled, chopped fine and twirls clear in 10 g butter. Add flour, Brown lightly, and the broth is poured by a bit at a time. Rinse the cucumber, 4 thin slices cut from the for garnish. The rest of the cucumber peeled off, splitting lengthwise, seeds removed with a spoon, and flesh cut into 2 cm cubes. Cucumber cubes Cook in the broth for 15 minutes. The soup are blended in a blender, and add cream. Cucumber soup tasted good with salt, sugar, pepper and mustard powder and cook at very low heat for another 5 minutes. Shrimp peeled, the black intestinal string are removed. The rest of the butter is heated up in a frying pan and fry the prawns for a moment. Dill rinse, cut finely and stir into the soup. The soup is served in soup plates, and preheated the prawns are distributed in the soup. Each dose of garneres with a slice of cucumber.