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Chocolate cake with Cream II

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Chocolate cake with Cream II

A little nip sugar
Cake cream is meant for a cake
Spray whipped cream
1.5tspBicarbonate of soda
100gMilk chocolate
2.5tspBaking soda
450gWheat flour

Instructions for Chocolate cake with Cream II

To prepare the Chocolate cake with Cream II recipe, please follow these instructions:

Margarine is melted and cooled. Add sugar and eggs. The mass, beat well together. Add the cocoa. Then add flour, milk, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda. Beat the dough thoroughly. Pour the dough in a pie dish and bake it at 200 C on the lower Groove in the oven for about 30 minutes.
The cream: begin to melt the chocolate about 10 minutes before the cake is to be out.
When the cake has come out must be put a little nip sugar, cream and spray is in the bowl with the melted chocolate. Begin to stir. When the mass is beginning to become chewy can add a little bit of water. So start to smear the cream on the cake.

Decorate the cake with M & M's, possibly vermicelli or sugar balls.

There will be around 2 cakes.
If you only have 1 pie dish recipe can be halved.