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Chicken a la Denise

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Chicken a la Denise

1Chicken approx. 1 1/4 kg
1dlWhipped cream
1000gGreen grapes

Instructions for Chicken a la Denise

To prepare the Chicken a la Denise recipe, please follow these instructions:

Rinse and dry the chicken. Cut it into serving pieces and sprinkle it with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a frying pan and Brown the chicken pieces all over the place.

Save some of the grapes for garnish. Came the rest of the grapes in a kitchen machine and run a few seconds and then fit them through a strainer. Pour grape juice in the Pan and let the chicken simmer without lids for about 30 minutes until it is completely done.

Serve the chicken pieces on a hot serving dish – keep them warm. Infant juices with cream and let it cook for a few minutes.

Peel the bananas and cut them in half and then in half. Brown them rapidly in butter. FRY bacon slices crispy.

Pour a little of the sauce over the chicken. Garnish with bacon, half the grapes and bacon. Server the rest of the sauce on the side.

Which accessories can be served rice or potatoes and a green salad.

The recipe for this weird kyllingeret comes from Australia, where you frequently use fruit in food, especially in dishes with poultry. The chicken fried in grape juice and garnish with bananas, grapes and bacon.