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Broccoli Salad (VIII)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Broccoli Salad (VIII)

A good oil-vinegar dressing or fx. mustard dressing
0.5Red onion
0.5dlSunflower seeds

Instructions for Broccoli Salad (VIII)

To prepare the Broccoli Salad (VIII) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Part broccolien in florets and cook it for 2 minutes (al dente). Rinse quickly in cold water (so boiling stops)
Dripping broccolien.
Place it on a serving dish, garnish with very thinly sliced red onion or very finely chopped red onion.
Sprinkle with raisins
Dressing on, turn

Sprinkle with sunflower seeds at last.

Good as rustic salad for meat and potatoes, for example. beef-and-fast!