Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spring onions into strips

Mains Parmesan grated or planed Lemon grated and the juice of half the shell of Garlic ...

Cook the pasta as directed on the package. Garlic cloves and spices are chopped roughly and shaken on a hot forehead in the olive oil. Add the meat strips and grate them too. Add lemon juice and lemon lemon peel. Let it all boil for approx. 1 minute. Add the c

Mains Lemon both Freshly grated ginger Grated horseradish ...

Remove skins, legs and dark parts from the fish. Cut the fillets into slices across. Put the fish slices on a dish of sweets and shrimps. Stir the hamburger to a thick pasta with a little water and put it on the dish with lemon and ginger. Each person takes ho