Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Small piece of celery

Soups Pepper Salt Butter ...

1. Cut the vegetables in the tern and chop the chop. 2. Cut the meat into 1 x 1 cm tern. 3. Bring the bacon, chopped onion and crushed garlic in a little butter with high heat without burning. 4. Vegetables, meat and peppers are added and exchanged for appr

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Drizzle lemon juice on fish fillets and place them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Slice the onion and Leek into thin slices and grate the carrot and celery roughly. Mix it with petty bamboo shoots, sliced mushrooms and chopped ham in broth and snaps. Flavor it