Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red pebere

Mains Parsley Salt Vegetable boillionterning ...

Bring tomatoes, water and boulie cubes in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Chop onions and peppers for 1 centimeter tern and put into the pan. Clean the mashed potatoes in slices and put into the pan. Crumb the beef in the pot. Add spices and a little salt.

Mains Chili at will Cucumber Pepper ...

Put water in a saucepan. wait till it boils, and then came the pasta in. Leave it for my 15-20. Slice the onion and fedhvidløg in coarse pieces. FRY it on highest burner in oil in a large saucepan. Glow while the vegetables in coarse pieces. Let them lie for