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Recipes with Peper

Mains Water sårn it covers the potatoes Kryderig vegeta Paprika ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into the toes. Stir the potatoes and thighs in a pan with a little oil for 20 minutes. Add salt pepper and paprika let it boil for 2 hours with the water and it should only cover the potatoes and the meat after they have cooked f

Mains Pinch. chilli (sweet or strong) Peper Salt ...

The shrimp is thawed and dripped off. The mushrooms are cleaned and sliced, possibly on an egg piece. The pepper fruit is cleaned and cut into thin short strips. The lid is chopped nicely and swirled together with the spices, this may be possible. Are omitted

Mains Indkogt boiling brine from lårtungen Peper Juice of one lemon ...

Brown the tuna tin in a pan of oil until it is nice golden and then pour the white wine. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and allow the meat to simmer under the lid for approx. 35 min while turning diligently. If the wine is evaporating, pour some water on it. Ta

Dressing Maple syrup Brown sugar Ketchup ...

Stir together and stand approx. 30 min. Then taste with spices of your choice, eg peppers, curry, etc. Put in a freezer bag and add the marijuana and close the bag. Leave it overnight in the fridge. Remove from the bag and put on the grill until it is complete

Sides Muffins molds Peper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into very thin slices of mandolin or alternatively a potato peel. Melt the butter and add finely chopped rosemary and simmer for a few min. Pour potatoes and melted butter into a bag and knead together, store a little butter to

Mains Spices (to taste) Peper Salt ...

Chicken fillets are put in a freezer along with the sweet chili the day before use. The catacles are peeled / peeled and divided into two. They are then put in a refractory dish, the oil and the spices poured over and placed in a preheated oven of approx.

Mains Peper Rice or fresh pasta as an accessory Peeled tomatoes ...

steaks: 1. The grater is soaked in the milk. 2. stir the meat with rasp, egg, onion and salt. 3. The meat is formed into steaks, which are browned on the forehead of the margarine. sauce: 4th Chopped. Garlic pressed. 5. Onions, garlic and chamignon are

Sandwiches Peper Salt Butter after own taste ...

Take the slices of toast bread and prepare them for use. Take a bowl and empty the can of tuna into the bowl, then take mayonnaise and salt and pepper and mix into the tuna. After mixing for about 30 seconds to a minute, take and grate the toast. After break