Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mature cherry

Desserts (warm) A little icing sugar for gratinating Powder coffee Potato flour (corn flour) ...

Cream: Bring the coffee (save a little), sugar and nescafe into a pan and boil it up. Stir in a bowl the rest of the coffee, egg yolks (save the whites) and the potato flour together. Add the hot cream to the egg yolks with light whipping. Pour it all back int

Desserts (cold) Sugar Popsicle or something like that Whipped cream ...

Whip the cream, with a hand mixer to the it becomes real whipped cream to taste with sugar, to is. Take the stem of kirsebærene, and rinse them. Moss five of bærene, and put them in is, and mix it. Mos also the five last Berry. Butter is on an ice lolly with a

Pickling Mature cherry White wine vinegar ...

Came the berries in a bottle, and pour the vinegar over. Let the vinegar pull a couple of weeks before you start to use it. You can sieve the before use, but it is not necessary.