Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Large cooked potatoes

Mains Grated cheese Butter Large onion ...

Cut the potatoes and pepper moisture in small cubes. The bacon cut into small cubes. Onion chopped (very fine). klæk ægene out in a bowl, and whip it (by hand) along with the milk. Sauté onion and bell pepper in butter finhakket. Pour over potatoes and derf

Sides Pepper Salt Ymer ...

Notch pinnacles fine. Mash the cooked beans and potatoes. Use if necessary. a meat grinder. Mix the sprouts and the Marsh and Add finely chopped fennel, Sesame, soy sauce and soya meal. Add ymer and karbonade forcemeat for the pipes is lind. Form karbonaderne

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Grated Emmenthal cheese ...

Cut the potatoes into thin slices. Chop the ham and eggs are fine. Cut chives. Put a layer of potato slices in the bottom of a buttered souffle mold or other deep and round ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and chives. Next, a layer of ham and eggs, a