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Recipes with Hokaido

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Pepper Garlic ...

Sauter onion onions, chopped garlic and pumpkin in the tern in the butter in a saucepan. Add broth, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Let it simmer under cover for 20-30 minutes. Bring the milk in and blend it. Bring it back to the pan and warm the soup through.

Salads Allspice, ground Hokaido Ginger, crushed ...

Half the pumpkin and scrape the cores. Cut the pumpkin in both and cut the peel off. Cut the fruit meat into smaller pieces. Mix the spices and turn the pork tenderloin together with them and the oil. Wrap it on baking paper on a baking sheet and baking

Soups Pepper Salt Cumin, whole ...

Chop chopped onions and garlic with chilli without the brining. Pumpkins and potatoes are cut into the tern and swirled with. Add the liquid, cumin and freshly ground pepper. Suppe simers for approx. ½ hour. Stav blend for a smooth consistency while adding

Mains Allspice Rice Sage, dried ...

Start by cooking the rice according to instructions on package. Cut the top of the hokaidoerne and remove the seeds with a spoon Chop the onion and sauté it with meat onions chop into mindres pieces and turned into the meat along with the rice to taste with

Soups Chili pepper Oregano Herbal salt/broth ...

Hokaidoen cut and remove the seeds with a spoon. Then a family hokaidoen with Peel and boil in water together with coarsely chopped celery, parsley and onion. When the vegetables are tender blended the soup and season with salt and chili pepper/broth and oreg

Soups Chili pepper Oregano Herbal salt/broth ...

Hokaidoen cut and remove the seeds with a spoon. Then a family hokaidoen with Peel and boil in water together with coarsely chopped celery, parsley and onion. When the vegetables are tender blended the soup and season with salt and chili pepper/broth and oreg

Soups Chilli, crushed Oregano, dried Salt ...

Hokaidoen cut and remove the seeds with a spoon. Then a family hokaidoen with Peel and boil in water together with coarsely chopped celery, parsley and onion. When the vegetables are tender blended the soup and season with salt and chili pepper and oregano.

Soups Sea salt Olive oil Tamarindsauce ...

The onion peeled and cut into small cubes. Hokaidoen cleaned, split in two and the kernels removed. Hokaidoen cut into smaller pieces. Lightly fry the onion in a little olive oil. Hokaido, water and a little salt is poured into the pan. The soup is boiling