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Recipes with Fresh strawberries

Desserts (cold) Liquid sweetener Orange juice Orange liqueur essence ...

Cut the strawberries into small pieces and place them in a bowl. Turn the yogurt into and taste with vanilla grains and liquid sweeteners. Bring ice in a mold and put it in the freezer for about 1 hour. Bring the frozen strawberries into the blender with li

Cakes Water Baking powder Milk ...

Dough: Whip the eggs together, add sugar and whip it to an airy mass. Add lemon peel and milk. Mix the flour together with the deer toxin salt and stir in the egg yolks. Wipe the dough (35 + 25cm) onto a baking sheet coated with baking paper. Bag the dough at

Desserts (cold) Fresh strawberries Letpisket cream Water ...

Sugar and water boil through to light syrup. Egg yolks are whipped together with vanilla marrow along with the boiling syrup and lightly lightly heat to cream consistency (it is to be whipped cold). Finally, whip the soaked melted gélatine into the egg yolks.

Desserts (warm) Oil Whole milk Vanilla pod ...

Eggs, milk, vanilla grains, almonds and maizena pour into bowl and stir well. The butter is melted and browned easily. Cool easily and mix into the bowl. The strawberries are flushed. Put about 100 g side to decorate and mash the rest with a fork. The pancakes

Desserts (cold) Egg yolks Lemon juice Icing sugar ...

Rinse and nip the strawberries. Share if necessary. The largest, dry sugar. Cream: Stir the egg yolks with a flourish to an airy egg snap. Stir lemon juice. Beat the cream stiff and turn it lightly into the egg mixture. Spread most of the lemon cream in

Desserts (cold) Vanilla Fresh strawberries Karen volf sweet Neapolitan shells ...

Egg yolks, flour, sugar, milk and vanilla grains are poured into the pan and boiled under constant stirring until the cream is uniform and has a thick consistency. The cream is put to cool until it has cooled. Cream fill in Karen Volf Sweet bell pepper and str

Soups Sugar Limes Fresh strawberries ...

Peel the mangoes carefully and cut them from the stone into small pieces. Bring it in a blender with sugar and water and blend into a nice pure. Put the puree and style it cold. Stir in before serving and add ice-cold water if it is too thick. Cut the limes

Cakes in form Reven should of 1 lemon Eggs Egg yolk ...

Yeast and hand warm milk are stirred together. Half of the flour is added. The dough is laid loose, covered with a dish for approx. 40 min. Until light and porous. Butter and sugar are stirred together and then stirred in the dough. A whole egg and an egg yolk