Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Fresh chopped spinach

Sides Hvidkåls main Onion Diced tomatoes (or 1 glass of mild taco sauce) ...

Meatballs: Chop the beetroot, spinach and onion into small pieces and mix them with the chopped meat. Form the meat into small balls. Make sure to get enough juice with beet root to the models becomes Purple. FRY in margarine for about 10 min. (depends on the

Sides Pepper Salt Vandkastanier ...

Let the squash, cabbage and spinach in the broth, simmer until tender. Add the bean sprouts and vandkastanier. Season to taste and freeze in. Can be served hot by itself or over rice. Bean sprouts and vandkastanier can possibly. first added, when the Court