Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crumbled wheat bread

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The chops are sprinkled with salt and pepper and brown on both sides in oil and butter on a pan. The chops are picked up and placed in a refractory dish. All the ingredients of the gratin are stirred together and distributed over the chops. The chops are gr

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The chops are sprinkled with salt and pepper and brown on both sides in oil and butter on a pan. The chops are picked up and placed in a refractory dish. All the ingredients of the gratin are stirred together and distributed over the chops. The chops are grati

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Koteletterne sprinkled with salt and pepper and Brown on both sides in oil and butter in a frying pan. Koteletterne taken up and placed in a heat-proof platter. All the ingredients for the gratineringen stirred together and spread over koteletterne. Kotelet