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Recipes with Butter or margarine to form

Cakes in form Letpisket whipped cream Butter or margarine to form Wheat flour ...

Rinse the cherries and dry them with a kitchen roll. Remove the stems and possibly the cores. Give the milk a boil and let it cool. Put the cherries in a greased, oven-proof form with a high edge, about 24 in diameter, and sprinkle them with a flourish.

Desserts (warm) Fresh or preserved cherries without stones Butter or margarine to form Salt ...

Heat the milk to the fingers, add yeast and stir until it is dissolved. Add one egg at a time as well as sugar, salt and wheat flour. Stir the dough evenly and smoothly. Bring soft grease into the clay and work it into the dough to make it straight. Set it

Desserts (cold) Butter or margarine to form Cinnamon Sugar ...

Rinse the Rababs and cut them into smaller pieces. Pretty rhubarb does not have to be peeled. Grease an oven-proof form and put the rhubarb pieces in. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and cover the mold with foil. Boil the rhubarb in the oven at 225ยบ for 15

Desserts (cold) Grated must of 0.5 lemon Butter or margarine to form Finely chopped almonds ...

Mix rice flour, water, salt and lemon in a saucepan. Let it boil under low heat for 10 minutes. Add the milk and stir. Leave the simmer to simmer and lower for about 30 minutes without stirring. Let it cool and stir it occasionally. Shake the saffron into a

Desserts (cold) Butter or margarine to form Baking soda Soft butter or margarine ...

Rinse the lemons, tear the skins well and stir it together with fat and sugar for an airy massage dough. Squeeze the lemons and add the juice and egg yolks to the butter mixture. Mix flour with baking soda and stir it in the butter mixture. Warm the milk sl

Desserts (cold) Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream Butter or margarine to form Eggs ...

Let the milk boil and then lower the heat. Gently pour the corn flour in stirring and continue stirring until the mixture becomes thick, about 5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. Add the fat, egg, syrup, ginger and

Desserts (cold) A dollop of whipped cream on each portion Wheat flour to form Butter or margarine to form ...

Place the apricots in a soft few hours until they become soft or let them lay overnight. Let them drip well, but save 2 dl of icing water and 4 apricot sauce. Chop other apricots well. Whip egg, sugar and fat airy. Gently mix the chopped apricots, vanilla s

Desserts (cold) Butter or margarine to form Dark chocolate Wheat flour ...

1. Melt the grease and pour it into a stirring bowl. Add flour and egg yolks one at a time. Pipes for the mass are light and airy. 2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. 3. Whip egg whites stiff. 4. Stir the chocolate into the egg mixture, add flour and fin