Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with At grovbolle

Breakfast & brunch Butter Hams (2 slices) At grovbolle ...

Cut the ball. Eat with butter and write a hamburgerryg on.

Lunch Lemon A little dill Peper ...

Stir in creme fraise, salt, peper and curry powder together. Grate and crack grovbollen and butter a little dressing on under the bread roll. Com salad on top and then the salmon. Squeeze a little lemon over and over if necessary. with dill or more dressing.

Lunch Pepper Of grated cabbage and carrot Slaw sprinkled with lemon juice and 1/2 banana Lemon juice ...

Tube hytteosten with basil, garlic, lemon and pepper. Stuffed Turkey and hytteret in grovbollen and råkosten to eat.

Lunch A few lettuce leaves URf.eks rocket and regular salad A little chopped raw onion Miracle whip ...

Crack, grate the bread roll and butter both halves with Miracle Whip. Put lettuce leaves on the lower portion, then the salmon. Dripping lemon over. Put cheddar cheese and sprinkle with raw onions. Put the bodice on and enjoy a light meal.